Thursday 25 June 2015

Another competition

I took my time with this drawing so there wasn't enough of an update to post last week. 

I did another drawing competition with my friend Laura. I think I lot could be improved (mainly the colours and the pose) but I think I managed to portray a scerene scene well. I'm also very please with my Sakura! 

Also, this is the picture Laura drew for me. I love it so much!

I'm in Serbia again

I've been in Serbia for the past week and a half so I haven't been able to draw at all. I've been busy with my Japanese lessons, meeting friends and sightseeing. Hopefully I'll be able to post more when I get back next weekend. Here's a quick sketch I did since I forgot to post!

It's supposed to be someone kneeling asking for forgiveness. As I said, it's a really quick sketch so it may not be completely accurate.