Sunday 23 August 2015


I've barely been drawing lately...studying has taken up all of my free time. I couldn't sleep last night so I sat doodling and eventually came up with this. I've been researching a lot about Japanese gods and mythology so I wanted to create something inspired by this. I could never get it right when I was doing a full body shot so I attempted this.

I'm quite happy with this. I want to colour this when I find my graphics tablet pen (I somehow lost it). I'm considering doing a watercolour painting of this since I've not done one of those in a while. I've just started on a mini project, not saying what it is yet but I may go back to this drawing when the project is finished.

Sunday 9 August 2015

It's been a while!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy with work/learning Japanese so I haven't had time to draw lately. Plus it's been hectic after my birthday so I haven't even had a day free in weeks! I finally got some time to relax so I thought I'd draw a picture.

I'm actually so pleased with this. At first I was just messing around with textures and sketching jellyfish and somehow it turned into this. My friend Lilia's been drawing jellyfish too and Laura went to an aquarium in Japan so I've had a lot of influences for this one. I really liked experimenting with the colours and drawing a new animal. They're a lot more fun to draw than I thought!

Hopefully I'll be able to draw more. I've got another competition with Laura coming up so I should be able to update this soon!